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Barbara & Pirate

The History of Kashi Saga

Wegies entered our lives in 1988 when several judges at a local show remarked that our domestic longhair pet of 20 years, Kashi, resembled a Norwegian Forest Cat. We had been searching for a cat of her exquisite beauty for several months after her death. She had come from a shelter and we searched the shelters for awhile prior to bringing her picture to the cat show. It was a special providence that led us to Susan Hall of Norskau Cattery. We were seeking a black and white female. She held up an adorable 8 week old brown classic tabby and white male named PIRATE. The rest was history. His outgoing charisma won our hearts. He purred loudly as I cradled him in my arms. He never stopped purring.

We agreed to enter Pirate in two kitten shows. Since Pirate had never been in a cage, we brought his favorite laundry basket to perch atop the show cage to maximize his comfort. He was an instant winner and a natural charmer at the shows. The laundry basket became a standard part of our show cage. Pirate enjoyed watching the spectators as he lounged.

We proceeded to enter him into Championship competition. He became a Supreme Grand Champion in his sixth T.I.C.A. show at the Westchester Feline Club in White Plains, New York. T.I.C.A's Administrator of Judge's Training, the late Carol Brown, asked us to send photos of his stages of development. Thereafter, she used his pictures for training new judges on the Wegie standard. He attended ten shows that year and won 15th Best Allbreed Champion in the Northeast Region and 9th Best Longhair Champion. We celebrated the Tenth anniversary of Norwegian Forest Cats in the U.S. when he was 17 months old and he took Fourth Best Cat.

After that exciting show year, we decided to try another adventure with our versatile companion. We met several feline publicity agents and Pirate auditioned with flying colors. Soon we were called back to New York for a modeling stint. We had anticipated a session for catalogue photos. To our delight, the client was Science Diet Cat Foods and their marketing director greeted us with the news that Pirate had been chosen above hundreds of candidates to be their new model. He sat in the center seat at the luncheon banquet amidst ad executives, photographers and marketing directors.

His full page Science Diet ads appeared worldwide in magazines and veterinary literature. The next few years brought repeat sessions. He was always an enthusiastic sport. 

Life among our Wegies is a blissful state of affairs. The legacy of Kashi's love is reflected in our cats and our cattery name, Kashi Saga. Maintaining a constant, but limited, breeding program has allowed us time for lots of personal attention and cat-games with each member of our cat family. Keeping Pirate's direct line going is the essence of Kashi Saga. We give particular focus on placing kittens with grieving people who lost their beloved pet, as we did, with Kashi, our rescue cat.

Our Wegies are a source of infinite joy and merriment. That's what it's all about!


More About Barbara


There’s always been a cat in my life.  I brought the first kitten home when I was 8 and have had a furry companion ever since.  I also had collies.  Pirate and Princess joined our family in 1988 and I’ve been engaged in the world of “Wegies” since thenWegies is the affectionate name for Norwegian Forest Cats.  I became a member of the Cat Fancy without ever having planned on it.  I was asked to enter Pirate in a show and within a relatively short time he became an International Supreme Grand Champion in The International Cat Association and subsequently  was selected as The Science Diet Cat.  A new chapter evolved in our lives.


I named Kashi Saga Cattery for our dear shelter cat, Kashi, with a mission to continue Pirate’s exemplary line and bring the love he brought to us to other families who would cherish his offspring.  I also wanted to make a distinct contribution to the breed and created an ancestral reference base of the original wegies who were exported to the U.S. for future generations of breeders to utilize in formulating sound breeding decisions.  Ancestral histories and genetics were of natural interest to me as biology and statistics were minors in my college curriculum.


I have a Master of Arts Degree and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I am a retired Contract Administrator and Vocational Counseling Supervisor in Human Services Training Programs for Camden County Government. My career has spanned Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, Vocational Counseling, Social Science Research and Administration.


My husband is a former First Officer in the Merchant Marine.  He was a General Sales and Marketing Manager in Marine Electronics for much of his career.  He is very active in the Greek Community. Our Wegies complete our home with joyful antics and furry love.


Kashi Saga Cattery — Active in the Cat Fancy Since 1988  


Kashi Saga Cattery, established in 1988, is a C.F.A. Registered Cattery. Our Wegies have run of the house, no cages.

  • Kashi Saga kittens have their own room for a nursery and are raised with a scratching post in the nursery so they will learn good domestic habits from birth.

  • Kashi Saga’s stud male has his own room with large windows looking out to birds and trees; no cages.

  • Kashi Saga kittens are sold to people who will love and regard them as family members.

  • Kashi Saga does not believe in shipping cats; our kittens are permitted to fly in cabin with their owners.



Kashi Saga is named for our beloved pet Kashi whom we rescued from a shelter.  Her legacy of love lives on in the Wegies of Kashi Saga.



All Kashi Saga kittens are direct descendants of our foundation Wegie, R.W., S.G. C. Norskau Pirate of Kashi Saga.



I have been a member of CFA’s Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Council for over 20 years.



As the NFCFA Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for over 10 years, I rescued and placed numerous homeless Norwegian Forest Cats.



I am the original Archivist for the Norwegian Forest Cat Breeder’s Consortium and Co-Archivist for NFCFA



I have actively participated in 4 CFA Cat Clubs:  Sign of the Cat, Liberty Trail Cat Club, NOVA and Moorestown Cat Club



The Wegies of Kashi Saga have earned numerous International, National and Regional Awards.

Barbara, Star, and Pirate


The best way to get to know us here at Kashi Saga is to read the story of our wonderful Pirate and his family and friends. Just click on the Tribute to Pirate link below.

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